The House of Worlds opened its doors for the first time in 2004. In the beginning, it worked as an info-cultural centre for the creative spending of free time and as a space where people of different ethnic, religious and economic backgrounds could meet. In the year 2009, we opened our doors even wider as we got an opportunity to use the space in the unit of Ljubljana City Library, Oton Župančič Library. We expanded the collection of our books to 1800 copies.


The House of Worlds is a specialised library, where readers can pick up literature on global learning, human rights, intercultural dialogue, globalisation, development studies, studies of conflicts and peace, environment, food and water, climate change and other related topics. The House of Worlds collection is aimed at all people interested in current social issues, either because of their studies and research or because of personal or professional development. Next to a collection of different texts (professional publication, fiction, movies, games, games for children etc.), which is upgraded every year, we also organise public events, such as movie and dialogue nights, book presentations, talks with guests, workshops, photo and art exhibitions, project presentations, fairy-tale evenings and other similar events. When organising these events and choosing materials, we try to follow current social issues and address them according to global learning trends.

The House of Worlds is a specialised library, where readers can pick up literature on global learning, human rights, intercultural dialogue, globalisation, development studies, studies of conflicts and peace, environment, food and water, climate change and other related topics. The House of Worlds collection is aimed at all people interested in current social issues, either because of their studies and research or because of personal or professional development. Next to a collection of different texts (professional publication, fiction, movies, games, games for children etc.), which is upgraded every year, we also organise public events, such as movie and dialogue nights, book presentations, talks with guests, workshops, photo and art exhibitions, project presentations, fairy-tale evenings and other similar events. When organising these events and choosing materials, we try to follow current social issues and address them according to global learning trends.

In 2017, we set up a special corner – “A Corner Without Borders” – with children’s and adult books in languages such as Farsi, Pashtu, Arabic, Urdu, etc., which are intended for our new neighbours. Namely, people, who moved to Slovenia from faraway places from all over the world, or are here only temporarily for various reasons. In Slovenia, there aren’t many books in their language and reading in one’s mother tongue has a special meaning for everyone.

We also have a section titled “The Environment Recommends” (in collaboration with the organisation Youth for Climate Justice), which offers various resources on environmental topics.

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