Workshops and training

Humanitas offers global learning workshops for primary and secondary schools, universities, NGOs, companies and anyone else interested in this approach. The workshops are based on the principles of non-formal education. They take place throughout Slovenia during the school year and are designed for different age and target groups. The workshops are modular, the duration of the programme can be adapted and parallel training for teachers is recommended.

Delavnice in usposabljanja

Društvo Humanitas izvaja delavnice globalnega učenja za osnovne in srednje šole, fakultete, nevladne organizacije, podjetja in vse ostale, ki jih zanimajo teme globalnega učenja.
Delavnice potekajo po načelih neformalnega izobraževanja. Izvajamo jih po vsej Sloveniji skozi celotno šolsko leto in so pripravljene za različne starostne in ciljne skupine.
Najprimernejše število udeležencev v skupini je med 15 in 25. Program delavnic je zastavljen modularno, možna je prilagoditev trajanja programa, priporočljivo pa je tudi vzporedno izobraževanje učiteljev in učiteljic.

Workshops for students

Over 20 years, we have developed group processes that promote transformation and sustainable action. Global learning workshops are conducted in relation to a range of topics, from focusing on specific products and their problematic production and use (mobile phones, cocoa, clothing, etc.) to experiential ways of learning about global issues such as environmental justice, migration, climate change, development, sustainable fashion, intercultural dialogue, etc. Based on our many years of experience in working with young people, we recommend that the entire thematic module is carried out in 5-6 school hours, together with an action workshop (2-4 school hours). This way, the young people can really immerse themselves in the topic and, with our help, design the implementation of the action in their local environment.


We know that in a fast-changing world it is difficult to respond to all the things that are happening around us – global challenges, often confusing political processes, etc. Young people spend more than half of their time at school. It is thus important that during this time they learn to understand the processes that are happening in and around them. We want to familiarise educators with approaches and methods that enable them to address global challenges and sensitive issues in the context of learning processes.

We also organise blended training courses – a combination of classroom (face-to-face) training with online modules for educators, youth workers and representatives of NGOs who want to integrate a global dimension into their work. As part of the Global Issues – Global Subjects project, we have successfully run two blended courses for teachers between October 2019 and June 2020, and new repetitions will follow. We can adapt the content and timeframe of this type of training to the needs of specific schools or collectives.


For further information and possible cooperation, write to or call us at: +386 1 430 03 43.

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